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Pillow Jets

Pillow Jets has not been seen in 3 Phish shows.
It was last played: 2024-08-29.
It was played at 0.44% of live shows.
It has been performed live 9 time(s).

Original Artist: Trey Anastasio

Original Album: Evolve (2024)

Debut: 2023-07-21

Looks like we don't have a song history for Pillow Jets! We apologize for the inconvenience. Please check back soon!

Albums: Evolve


© Who Is She? Music, Inc. (BMI)

They will come
On pillow jets of sound
The proof of wonder
Celestial starlight gowned
The ghost enchanter
The eagle guide
Beautiful and brown

They will come
To form one tribe
The tone romancer
Mosaic spirit scribe
Crimson robed
And golden firelight crowned
High above the ground
High above the ground
On pillow jets of sound
On pillow jets of sound

They will come
Sewing star threads through the air
With silver serpents
That spiral in their hair
Sounding bells
Elusive and unbound
High above the ground
High above the ground
On pillow jets of sound

They will come
Through smoke rings
In the glare
With mace and discuss
Slicing through the air
Restoring light
As the lost become the found
High above the ground
On pillow jets of sound...
Harlequin kaleidoscopic
On pillow jets...
Prismatic velvet tones
On pillow jets...
Pulsating halcyon specter
On pillow jets...
Flaming visions, shadow drawn
On pillow jets...
Vivid phantoms hovering
On pillow jets...
So high above the ground
On pillow jets...
The conjurors of thunder
On pillow jets...
Elliptic and profound
On pillow jets...
On pillow jets of sound
On pillow jets...
The conjurors of thunder
The conjurors of thunder
On pillow jets of sound

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