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Sunset Days

Sunset Days has not been seen in 2032 Phish shows.
It has not yet been performed live.
It was played at 0% of live shows.

Music/Lyrics: Trey Anastasio

Original Artist: Trey Anastasio

Vocals: Trey

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© Seven Below Inc. (BMI)

I'm living in the timeless dream
The days we spend together form a winding stream
I look in your familiar eyes
And watch the moon's reflections rise
While angels in the garden ingest the light
With pulsing wings and timeless sight
The cool orange air moves through
These are my sunset days with you

We're walking on the cobble stones
Along the road that leads us home
You're laughing loud, your eyes a gleam
Through the muting reds of autumn's dream

In our wake there's two white lines
Rustling leaves and tangled vines
The compass needle baring true
It always leads me back to you
You are my sun, you are my soul
You are my truth, you keep me whole
And hold me til the night is through
And make the daytime bright and new

So stay here in my timeless dream
Where the days we spend together form a winding stream
There's nothing that I'd rather do
Then spend my sunset days with you
Spend my sunset days with you

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